Friday, September 30, 2011

4 leaf the hand full !

I picked these 4 and 5 leaf clovers in less than 5 minutes.  It's freaky man!  I picked more than this ( in the same spot ) several days ago.   And that's the truth too!  They must be bad  luck now....
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  1. I blame all this 'bio diversity', 'genetic engineering' and 'man' tinkering with nature.
    It is all very wrong and un-nerving.
    It won't be long before an original three leafed clover is scarce and the only one left to bring 'good luck'!
    All the best and, of course,
    'Good Luck'. :)....B.

  2. You must have gotten into a magical mess of four leaf clover.
    I think I would press them for birthday cards....

  3. OH Mannnn...I threw them away! I will look for more tomarrow and press the ones I find. Thank you for visiting and leaving such a nice suggestion.


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