Friday, November 4, 2011

This year's show of Fall Color has been a very poor one indeed.  I thought a cold snap  would shock the trees into their colorful dress, but it has not been so. 
I have not taken a drive up The Parkway (Blue Ridge) and so do not know if  there was a
colorful display there or not.  But here in the foot hills the trees have been confused. 
 just aren't sure what to do.  There are patches of gold, red and green but no dazzling  trees awash with one color or another.    In fact, there will be a patchwork of color on an individual leaf and these will be in a small clusters on one side of the tree while the other side has brown leaves which are amputated by the slightest breeze.

No matter.  Beauty is beauty, be it vibrant color or dull brown.


  1. Hi Mary Ellen, my good blogging buddy Brenda, at Cozy Little House, sent me the link to your blog as you commented on hers. I am a bird owner/lover so she thought I would find your blog interesting! I do!! I am also now following you. Come visit sometime, I have two birdies, you can click on their photos on the sidebar to read their "bios", and I have a post on 7/20/11 where Kiwi celebrates her "Sweet 16"! Yep, a lot of crazy going on over here. xo

  2. Thank you for visiting CrazyBird and ME. Believe it or not you are the first pet bird mom that I have seen or heard from. I thought there would be zillions of us out there!~And thank you for your joining my blog family. I enjoyed reading your birdie bios and look forward to enjoying your blog posts too.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you for visiting, I hope you will come again soon.