Friday, May 28, 2010

Cactus flowers.  This plant is at Margaret's back door.  It will be beautiful when all the buds open. I'm anxious to see and photograph it in full bloom.
 This is a Magnolia tree in the front yard,  the large white flower is it's blossom.  

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This is my dog Emma.  She sleeps in her basket at the end of my bed and when I are up she is always at my side.  When I am away she  sleeps in Margaret's room and during the day she mopes and doesn't play,  she also doesn't eat well and looses weight.  I will be leaving for Denver, CO for an extended visit and I am worried about how she and Cyrus will do.  

                                Emma, my loyal companion

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do you think Holly looks like her Aunt Marian at about the same age?

My Granddaughter going to her first prom

                         Holly and Pedro         
This is Cyrus greeting me home from SC.  You can see his big smile..Actually, his was very much perplexed as I had cut my hair while I was away and  looked so much like my twin sister he was confused.  I could tell he wasn't sure what to do. He knew I wasn't Aunt Margaret but he couldn't be sure I was mommy.  He was happy to see me, but, would not come down from the cage top until I put on my pink framed glasses and he could identify
something familiar about me.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

These need no narrative....

I must add a few more pictures from Margaret's Garden.  These were made the last days of April.  I am afraid I missed the blooms during the first weeks of May.


I'm back home from my stay with a childhood friend.  I enjoyed 2 weeks of her hospitality and was able to once again enjoy the nice variety of land  and seascape from her area. I  posted a few more pictures earlier so be sure to see them under older posts if they are not on this page on your browser.


The Great Swamp,  on which Walterboro seems to have been built, is bisected by a black-top path.  I like being able to walk within the the steamy, hot, 'critter infested and frightening park.  I would never venture into any area remotely swamp-like  were it not for the safety of the wide berth of the path.  Even so, as I walk I pray the path will remain stable, dry, 'gater and snake free while I am on it!
Believe me, I keep an eye out for any and all things that slither knowing I must also be ever watchful for the Swamp Monster lurking below the algae chocked water of the swamp!  

  I do wish I could share the sounds of the swamp with you.  There is the constant hum of insects and dragon flies, fast as lightning, darting all around, the scary sound the dry leaves make as little critters scurry from the sides of the path, and, the constant loud cries of birds.  It is wonderful.

Live Oaks Cemetery, Walterboro, SC

  I found the fences in the Live Oaks Cemetery to be both beautiful and of wonderful craftmanship.  They stand as unique and personal sententails to the family they guard.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It is a shame!

I asked for help in translating a comment left on one of my posts and my daughter came through for me.  The problem is that it was directing viewers to a sleazy Asian site!  I am very upset and will no longer place comments that are not in English and, of course, pre-approved.  My mistake was in putting the comment on and then asking for the translation......I apologize to anyone that may have seen and understood the comment. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

On the Move!

I am now in Walterboro, SC, visiting with a friend.  We go back to grade school years and although it doesn't seem so long ago to me I am sure my grandchildren would tell you it was a lllooonnnggg time ago.  I will place pictures as soon as I am back.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I simply can't resist showing more flowers from Margaret's garden.  Another Iris and a Johnny Jump-Up.